
Being Fed, Feeding Others

At St. Paul, we embrace Jesus’ invitation that those who come will never be hungry. We therefore strive to be filled with grace, accepting of all people, welcoming to everyone, in accordance with God’s never-ending love and faithfulness.

We invite you to come, worship, grow and serve with us – and to join us as together we grow in our love for God and for our neighbors.

Online Worship

    • 04-27-2025 Bulletin Sermon YouTube 
    • 04-20-2025 Easter Bulletin Sermon YouTube 
    • 04-18-2025 Good Friday Service Bulletin Sermon YouTube 
    • 04-13-2025 Bulletin Sermon YouTube
    • 04-06-2025 Bulletin Sermon YouTube
    • 03-30-2025 Bulletin Sermon YouTube
    • 03-23-2025 Bulletin Sermon YouTube

Indoor Worship 


  • When sharing the peace, do so as you feel comfortable.

If you would feel comfortable to serve as an usher, reader, acolyte or an assisting minister please let Pastor Carl or the office know.
We are excited for the opportunity to gather together and feel a deep gratitude for the volunteers who make everything possible.

Worship Schedule

    • 10:00 AM  –  Worship Service with Children’s Church (September through May, except fourth Sundays)
    • 11:15 AM – Fellowship time

Holy Communion

Holy Communion is celebrated at every service.  All baptized Christians are invited to celebrate Communion with us.

We believe that Holy Communion requires sincere repentance, faith in Jesus Christ as Savior, and an earnest desire to amend one’s sinful life, as well as acceptance of the scriptural teaching of the Real Presence of Christ with his body and blood in the Sacrament. -Luther’s Small Catechism

Music at St. Paul

Music is a key part of our worship.  Please contact our Minister of Music if you are interested in joining the Praise Team or have musical talents that would enhance our worship.  We also form festival choirs for special celebrations like Easter and Christmas.

Assisting With Worship

The people of St. Paul are an integral part of each worship service.  There are many opportunities to assist with the various functions of worship.  You can read more about helping roles here.

Worship Committee

Our mission statement: To serve the congregation by helping people connect with God through a variety of Lutheran expressions.

The Worship Committee is responsible for planning regular and special worship services, and for the training of worship helpers.  They meet once a month throughout the year.  The pastor, director of music, and several other members of the congregation comprise the committee.

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