The word “liturgy” means “the work of the people.” Many volunteers are needed to make worship happen. Contact the church office if you are interested in signing up or would like to learn more about any of the following roles:
Assisting Ministers
Assistant Ministers lead the Creed, the Prayers of the People, and assist with distributing Holy Communion.
Lectors read the first two scripture readings for the congregation.
Altar Guild
This team prepares the altar and communion elements for service. They also clean up communion trays after worship.
Ushers ensure smooth worship by distributing bulletins, taking up the offering, directing communion flow, assisting parents who need coloring pages, the cry room or nursery, and whatever else may be needed.
Gift Bearers
All members of the congregation assist with bringing forward the bread and wine for communion.
Acolytes light and extinguish the candles, transfer the offerings from the gift bearers, and assist with serving communion.
Sound System
This team manages our sound board and records the service.
These special volunteers play with young children in the nursery during service.
Counters are responsible for the offering after the service. They tabulate the funds, then deliver them to the bank.